Webinar on building digital competence – The UNESCO-UNEVOC Digital Competency Online Initiative

23/05/2022 | News

9 June 2022, 10 am – 11:30 am CEST

This webinar will launch a new initiative by UNESCO-UNEVOC to bring together digital skills and competence frameworks in a new online portal. Across the world over recent years, governments, international organizations and the private sector have been developing frameworks for digital competence which support citizens, policy-makers and practitioners to understand the skills required in the 21st century digital world. In technical and vocational education and training (TVET), the development of students’ digital skills and competence play a key role in preparing them for effective functioning in the digital economy and society. The work is led by Graeme Atherton, Glenda Crosling and Angela Lee from Sunway University in Malaysia.The webinar will include inputs from organizations leading on the development of digital competence frameworks at the country and international level. It will also outline new ways forward for extending access to digital competency for all.

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Speakers will include:

  • Graeme Atherton, Glenda Crosling and Angela Lee, Centre for Higher Education Research, Sunway University, Malaysia (Project leaders)
  • Riina Vuorikari, Joint Research Centre (JRC) European Commission
  • Vikki Liogier, National Head of Ed Tech and Digital Skills, UK Education and Training Foundation
  • Jane Schueler, National Centre for Vocational Education Research, Australia
  • TBC, European Training Foundation

Other speakers presenting national digital competence frameworks to be confirmed.