WAHEN Membership Application Form

Please note that you can find out the income classification of your country by clicking here.

WAHEN Membership

  • Fields marked with an * are mandatory.
  • WAHEN Membership Rate

    Please select below.
    Please note that membership fees are EXEMPT of VAT. Please click on the link below to find the income economies classified by World Bank: https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groups
  • If you have a discount code please enter it in the box above
  • Main Contact Details

  • Professor, Doctor, Mr, Mrs, Ms
  • Please indicate the country where your organisation is based.
  • Payment Details

    Please note that upon receipt of your application an e-invoice will be issued which can be processed for an electronic or credit card payment.
  • Please enter any purchase order number or reference number that needs to be quoted on the invoice.
  • WAHEN will email an invoice to your Finance department (and cc you in). Please provide details of who to email the invoice below. Payment will be collected by the University of West London so please check if the University of West London is set up as a supplier on your finance system. Please notify the WAHEN Team (Access@WorldAccessHE.com ) if you have any queries about processing your application.

  • Data Protection: When you register with WAHEN you will be giving WAHEN and The University of West London permission to process data about you. WAHEN needs to process data about you in order to carry out its normal administration, that is we only collect, store, use and disclose the data for any purposes connected with your enquiry or booking and possible future events. WAHEN is convened by the National Education Opportunities Network and is hosted at The University of West London.