Pills on Diversity and Challenges for Academic Success on a Brazilian Campus & Seminar on Access Inclusion Academic Success and 2030 Agenda
University of Campinas, Brazil
The main objective of the event was to provide a discussion and develop transversal actions focusing on the Access-Inclusion-Success tripod. The seminar promoted during WAHED 2018 aimed to integrate initiatives and discuss necessary actions to receive a progressively diverse population, and measures to predict and prevent dropout, particularly in the first-second year.
Members of working groups dealing with themes of diversity, and members of various services including the 2019 Unicamp Access Work Group and the Student Assistance Service were invited. A total of 43 invited participants attended the meeting, including faculty members, staff and students.
What happened during this event?
After participants had an opportunity to introduce themselves, the Vice-Rector of Undergraduate studies presented a summary of the current phase of actions developed by the university to expand access, inclusion and student success. Then, there was an open discussion among the groups on challenges for inclusion and academic success with diversity, with each group bringing their own perspective and potential contribution.
What were key messages coming out from the event?
The main message focuses on the concept that diversity is quality and excellence, a motto for 2019. It will also be coupled with an effort to build new curricula taking into consideration collaborative learning experiences, using the Sustainable Millennium Objectives as an inspirational framework. Proposals for transversal actions that deal with diverse groups of students were also discussed, focusing on inclusion and consequent academic success.
For more information on the University of Campinas or if you would like to contact them please visit their website at: https://www.unicamp.br/unicamp/